Tips For Winter Driving

Access Rent A Car is now providing vehicles equipped with winter tires for any of your Canadian winter travels. When it comes to the winter, it’s just not enough to prepare your own self for the cold, but to prepare your vehicle as well. If you are planning to rent a car, know that these preparations have already been implemented to ensure your safety. However, driving on winter roads can be a challenge so here is some pieces of advice on how to drive in the winter.

Tips or winter driving

  1. Before you head outside, always check the weather conditions and the road conditions. Pay special attention to any of the warnings that might be displayed on the top of the weather website or news channel.
  2. If you are travelling in a place that is not familiar to you, ask the locals. They know the roads better than you do and how perilous it might be. If they say that it is a bad idea to drive, trust them, they are likely right.
  3. A GPS is great for navigating! But not so great in factoring in the different seasons and the unpredictable weather conditions. If you encounter a road that is closed, it really is closed. There is a reason why the road is closed whether the pavement is too icy, or it is known to cause some accidents in the winter time.
  4. When driving, keep the gas tank at least half full to avoid any gas line freeze up. Now driving in the winter is one thing if it’s only the cold weather that you’re dealing with. Driving in the snow is another matter.

There are some tips for driving in snow
  • Accelerate and decelerate slowly. Applying the gas slowly is good for regaining traction and to avoid skidding. Also, make sure to take the time when braking; it takes longer to slow down on icy roads.
  • When driving behind cars, keep more distance than usual between you and them in case of any sudden stops – again, everything is slower when driving in icy and snowy conditions. Stopping will take much longer on snowy and icy roads than on dry pavement.
  • Don’t attempt to power up any hills. Applying that extra gas on snow covered roads will just get your wheels spinning. The best way to go up the hill is to get some speed before making the ascent.
  • Brake slowly before making turns. This will reduce the speed before you enter and minimize any chance of slipping and sliding.
  • Do NOT cruise control if there is snow and ice on the roads, because if your car ends up hydroplaning, it will try to accelerate causing you to lose control.
  • Don’t ‘pump’ the brakes, especially if the vehicle is equipped with an anti-locking braking system.

Access Rent A Car highly values their customer’s safety and ensures a part of it by installing quality winter tires on all the vehicles they provide.
Tips For Winter Driving Tips For Winter Driving Reviewed by Nadia Isnaini on 20:24 Rating: 5

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